Looking for a buy-to-let mortgage?

We’ll find the right one for you.

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We search the whole market to find you the best buy-to-let deal possible

90+ lenders, 20,000+ mortgages

Habito can help with every kind of buy-to-let


Limited company (SPVs)



Holiday lets


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Why use Habito for your buy-to-let?

Talk to actual humans

Get personal advice over live chat, whenever it suits you. Our mortgage experts are all completely impartial. We're on your side, not the banks'.

No broker fees

Our mortgage advice (and submitting your application) is 100% free. Like all brokers, we get paid by lenders. Unlike many brokers, we won’t charge you a fee on top of that.

Much more than a comparison site

We’ll both find and get your mortgage for you. We’ll guide you through the whole process, from searching for deals to sorting the legal stuff.

We've helped over 300,000 people save money and find the right mortgage for them.

Habito's been amazing, finding us two mortgages for our expanding buy-to-let portfolio! Seamless & stress-free.
SebastianSeptember 2020

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Buy-to-let mortgages explained